
December 15-16, 2012 Nanzan University, Nagoya

▼スケジュール プログラム: ▼12月15日(土) ▼12月16日(日)



Prof. Dmitry Krass
Location and Transshipment Problems
[click here to see the abstract]
Author: Dmitry Krass
Abstract: Inventory problems with transshipments, where facilities are allowed to satisfy some of the demand by transshipping available inventory between each other are notoriously hard to analyze. Yet, transshipments are quite common in practice and have the potential for greatly reducing the system operating costs.
Most of the traditional literature on transshipments has focused on deriving optimal replenishment and transshipment policies (under very restrictive assumptions) and have ignored the location aspects altogether. The inventory location models, on the other hand, have not considered transshipments at all.
A recent ``breakthrough'' in transshipment research has been the application of Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis (IPA) algorithm - form of approximate dynamic programming - which has allowed for treatment of much more general problems. We show how this technique can be used to integrate location and transshipment models, which yield interesting managerial insights. We also discuss several approaches rooted in traditional location models that allow for a much more efficient implementation of the IPA-based methods.

Prof. Zhou Xu
An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Generalized Multiple Depot Multiple TSP
[click here to see the abstract]
Author: Zhou Xu
Abstract: We study an extension of the classical traveling salesman problem (TSP) to the situation where k salesmen are dispatched. One needs to decide a route and a depot for each salesman, so as to minimize the total travel distance for the k salesmen to service all customers in a metric graph. As with the TSP, the generalized problem is motivated by a large range of applications. In this talk, we present a [2-1/(2k)]-approximation algorithm for this problem, which improves the existing best approximation ratio of 2.


12:30-12:35 Opening Session -Masanori Fushimi-
12:35-13:35 Session 1 座長:渡部 大輔
市庁舎移転候補地の比較分析 —効率性の追求と合意形成の齟齬— 高森 賢司
EV専用急速充電器の最適配置問題に対する発見的解法 山之内 亮介*,保田 将弘,佐々木美裕
アクティブ型RFIDを用いた位置検知に関する研究 永田 康宏*,渡部 大輔
Break (10 min.)
13:45-15:05 Session 2 座長:鵜飼 孝盛
フードデザート問題と食料品店の再配置問題について 藤原 健*,稲川 敬介,谷内 宏行
福岡市におけるフードデザート問題の研究 稲田 啓佑*,鳥海 重喜
ホームセンター発注ロジックのシミュレーション 芥 正裕*,鈴木 敦夫,三浦 英俊
距離計測方法間の相関に関する解析研究 飯田 マリ
Break (10 min.)
15:15-16:35 Session 3 Chair: Keisuke Inakawa
Optimal hierarchy of road networks with inward, outward, and through traffic Masashi Miyagawa
Hospital Location Models with Capacity Constraints of Each Department Masanori Hara*, Mihiro Sasaki
Locations and Operation Hours of Flow-Covering Facilities with Multiple Coverage Levels Ken-ichi Tanaka*, Takehiro Furuta
A location and allocation model for casualty response planning during catastrophic radiological incidents Aakil M. Caunhye, Mingzhe Li*, Xiaofeng Nie
Break (10 min.)
16:45-18:15 Session 4 Chair: Mingzhe Li
Location and Transshipment Problems Dmitry Krass
An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Generalized Multiple Depot Multiple TSP Zhou Xu
The Effects of Emission Trading Scheme on the Maritime Industry Xiaowen Fu


9:00-10:20 Session 5 座長:鈴木 淳生
野球戦略におけるバントの有効性について 須藤 翔*,稲川 敬介,谷内 宏行
筑波大学の高大連携活動 濵津 桃子
自転車の走行しやすさを考慮した東京23区の道路の評価と分析 長野 光*,田口 東
県際地域の地域特性—河川境界による影響分析— 小菅 伊織
Break (10 min.)
10:30-11:50 Session 6 座長:佐藤 公俊
不確実性下における商業用店舗不動産の賃貸戦略に関する分析 岸井 貴大*,八木 恭子,相馬 隆雄
災害時利用を想定した大学施設の整備と利用度平準化のための施設提案〜虹の広場を対象として〜 大野 隆行
都市部における防災無線の最適配置 市村 真二*,田口 東
Sea Lane Network and Maritime Chokepoints for Energy Resources Transportation Ryuta Takashima*, Shigeki Toriumi
Lunch Break (70 min.)
13:00-14:00 Session 7 座長:田中 健一
自然災害時の救援物資における配送計画問題 −愛知県名古屋市を対象として− 千田 裕士*,鈴木 敦夫
将来人口推定による人口減・高齢化への影響分析‐東日本大震災被災地茨城県を対象として‐ 小林 隆史
時空間ネットワークを用いた中京圏における災害時の旅客流動シミュレーションについて 鈴木 成美*,二宮 翔平,三浦 英俊,鈴木 敦夫
Break (10 min.)
14:10-14:50 Session 8 座長:宮川 雅至
高萩市における震災復興への提言 盆子原 歩
スマートフォンを用いた大都市避難行動支援アプリの開発 廣井 悠
14:50-14:55 Closing Session -Takeshi Koshizuka-